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Allergy is a hypersensitive response of the body to certain substances, called allergens. These allergens can be of plant origin, animal origin or a certain substance.
What are Allergies?
An Allergy is a hypersensitive response of the body to certain substances, called allergens. These allergens can be of plant origin such as pollens, animal origin such as dander (scales shed from the skin, hair, or fur of animals), and insect origin such as the sting of bees and wasps, or dust mites. House dust, smog, smoke, and some strong odors may also trigger allergies. Drugs like penicillin and cephalosporin could also evoke allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Food allergies such as eggs, milk, sea food and even plant sources such as eggplant, drumstick, and wheat are pretty common triggers. Allergens can be inhaled, eaten, injected, or contacted by the skin.
What are the symptoms of allergy?
The body’s defense mechanism is accidently considers simple and otherwise harmless substances to be potentially dangerous, by recognizing them as ‘foreign’ . Your immune system produces an antibody called IgE in large amounts to combat the ‘allergen’. Exposure to an allergen for the first time, only creates a memory of the allergen to your immune system. On subsequent exposure, an allergic response is manifested in the form of signs and symptoms depending on the tissue, organ, or system involved. All these are due to the release of a chemical substance called Histamine by some body cells under the influence of IgE, thus inducing congestion, excessive secretion, and muscle spasms. The most common examples are those of Asthma (a respiratory allergy with wheezing and breathlessness) and Eczema (a skin allergy with eruptions, itching, oozing, etc.).
What Causes Allergies?
Although modern medicine claims that allergies and most of the other chronic diseases have a hereditary predisposition to blame, homeopaths and naturopaths all over the world believe that every disease is multi-factorial in origin. Health according to them is a dynamic state of physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium where a homeostasis is maintained in spite of a continuous influx and interaction of the opposing or negative energies with the life perpetuating ones through harmoniously orchestrated processes that are so subtle that they can hardly be perceived. In simple words, other than one’s genes, the lifestyle, diet and regimen, psychological state of a person, and degree of exposure to toxins or irritants, together contribute to giving rise to an allergic personality. Thus logically speaking, it is the immunity at fault and not the allergen. In fact, observations show that in most cases, once an allergic disposition is acquired, the body gradually begins to react hypersensitively to more and more substances so as to only add to the medical list of allergens. Hence, it can be easily surmised that the remedial measures must be capable of bringing the deranged immunity back to normal rather than expecting and advising the allergic patients to give up or stay away from all the probable allergens.
Is there a natural way to treat Allergies?
Following is a list of probable underlying causes that set the background for the development of an allergy.
• Regular exposure to pollutants in air, food, water, etc.
• Sedentary lifestyle which leads to impaired blood circulation and poor oxygenation of the tissues.
• Lack of sleep.
• Injudicious administration of vaccines and allopathic medicines which are after all foreign proteins and chemicals which have the capacity to alter the immunity.
• Frequent negative or overpowering mental states such as depression, anxiety, grief, fear, anger, irritability, despair, jealousy, etc.
• Improper external as well as internal hygiene inclusive of proper bowel/bladder/sexual habits and avoidance of substance abuse in the form of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
The world we live in is rapt with synthetic elements; pollutants, preservatives, pesticides, etc. Our bodies are made of the same elements as that of mother earth - Organic, wholesome, pure.
Your immune system is in place to guard your body from harmful, toxic substances from wrecking internal havoc. Since we ingest these and shun the birds and the bees, there is bound to be conflicts within your insides.
As a result, there are some malfunctions, sometimes some elements (even natural) are seen as foreign, and protect you, your immune system tries to purge these molecules out.
Runny nose, tears, skin inflammations, etc are exit routes for substances that your body believes does not belong there.
Conventional medicines try to overwrite this act and suppress the symptoms, like stiffle mucous production or bypass the mechanism for skin rashes by blocking histamine.
The natural approach would be to allow your body to do its thing.. eliminate what it needs to, and at the same time relieving the pain and inconvenience of the symptoms. Also, natural immunomodulators, correct the defects in your immune system and stop it from mistrusting harmless molecules.
• Regular exposure to pollutants in air, food, water, etc.
• Sedentary lifestyle which leads to impaired blood circulation and poor oxygenation of the tissues.
• Lack of sleep.
• Injudicious administration of vaccines and allopathic medicines which are after all foreign proteins and chemicals which have the capacity to alter the immunity.
• Frequent negative or overpowering mental states such as depression, anxiety, grief, fear, anger, irritability, despair, jealousy, etc.
• Improper external as well as internal hygiene inclusive of proper bowel/bladder/sexual habits and avoidance of substance abuse in the form of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
The world we live in is rapt with synthetic elements; pollutants, preservatives, pesticides, etc. Our bodies are made of the same elements as that of mother earth - Organic, wholesome, pure.
Your immune system is in place to guard your body from harmful, toxic substances from wrecking internal havoc. Since we ingest these and shun the birds and the bees, there is bound to be conflicts within your insides.
As a result, there are some malfunctions, sometimes some elements (even natural) are seen as foreign, and protect you, your immune system tries to purge these molecules out.
Runny nose, tears, skin inflammations, etc are exit routes for substances that your body believes does not belong there.
Conventional medicines try to overwrite this act and suppress the symptoms, like stiffle mucous production or bypass the mechanism for skin rashes by blocking histamine.
The natural approach would be to allow your body to do its thing.. eliminate what it needs to, and at the same time relieving the pain and inconvenience of the symptoms. Also, natural immunomodulators, correct the defects in your immune system and stop it from mistrusting harmless molecules.