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Hemorrhoids/Piles/Fissures are the swollen/damaged blood vessels present within the smooth muscles of anal and rectal walls.
What are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids or Piles are the blood vessels present within the smooth muscles of anal and rectal walls. When these glands get swollen, it causes bleeding, itching and extremely painful inflammation. This condition can be very troublesome, and embarrassing. Moreover it is quite common, and can incur due to a variety of reasons.
What Causes Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids get swollen when an increase in pressure causes a gush of blood flow to the small vessels forming short fissures called‘Piles’. The increase in size sensitizes the nervous tissue and causes the various symptoms associated with this condition. More commonly, this happens due to excessive strain while pooping, especially when there is excessive time spent on the toilet but could also be caused due to a bunch of other reasons, such as Diarrhea, Pregnancy, Low Fibre diet, Colon cancer and bad posture (possibly due to a spinal cord injury) or a history of rectal/anal surgery.
What is the treatment for Haemorrhoids?
Conventional treatments for Haemorrhoids include stool softeners, rectal suppositories, medicated wipes and topical creams. The topical creams and wipes contain Hydrocortisones, which could cause side effects such as nausea, headache, dizziness, heartburn, sleep disorders, increased swelling and shift in menstrual rhythm. Practitioners of Natural medicine believe that piles occur due to an imbalance of the five elements of your body. The holistic approach is to address the root cause, instead of just subsiding the symptoms.
Is there a Natural Cure for Haemorrhoids?
The natural approach to treating haemorrhoids is to ascertain and address the root cause. At VedHerbs, our doctors recommend a combination therapy that includes Ayurvedic herbs, botanical extracts and a homeopathic tincture that
Relieves pain and itchiness by subsiding the inflammation
Balances the 5 elements and re-stabilizing your body’s Chi (Energy-systems)
Improving Blood circulation
Regulating your digestion and bowel movements
Soothing the interstitial lining in your intestines.
This Kit comes with a full money-back guarantee. Return it back to us if your condition does not improve. Alternately, you can also consult with one of our Ayurvedic or Homeopathic Doctors on Live Chat (For Free) or via Email, to determine what line of treatment would suit you best.