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What is PCOS/PCOD?
What are the Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Disorder?
What causes PCOS/PCOD?
What is the treatment for PCOS/PCOD?
Is there a Natural treatment for PCOS?
What is PCOS/PCOD?
PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is an Endocrine disorder affecting women of reproductive age (15-35). PCOS affects about 22-25% women worldwide, and is one of the leading causes of infertility. Although the exact cause is unknown, it is understood that PCOS is a result of hormonal imbalances, causing abnormal follicular growth in the ovaries (poly cysts). These cysts hamper the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, leading to anovulation, menstrual complications and insulin resistance. According to Ayurveda, PCOS is a Kapha related disorder, and can be related to long term digestive difficulties, and on a more spiritual level, arise due to lack of Love or Self appreciation.
What are the Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Disorder?
The primary symptom of course, is the appearance of my cysts in the vagina. Numerous tiny ovarian cysts that can be detected with Ultrasound. Although, this is not the only symptom on which diagnosis can be based. Other symptoms include:
Menstrual Abnormalities: Irregularities in menstrual flow, such as excessive bleeding (amenorrhea), prolonged menses that could be scanty or heavy; Failure to menstruate for long times at a stretch, etc
Androgenic effects: Due to excessive androgens (male hormones), there could be a prevalence of secondary male sexual characteristics, such as excessive body hair (hirsuitism), mild ACNE, body odor and male pattern baldness.
Digestive disturbances: Irregular appetite, constipation, bloating, sudden and inexplicable weight gain
Infertility: Mainly due to a chronic lack of ovulation (anovulation)
PCOS may also give rise to secondary disorders such as High blood pressure, cardiac and liver disorders, sleep apnea, thyroid disorders, insulin resistance and Type II Diabetes
What causes PCOS/PCOD?
Although the exact cause of PCOS/PCOD is unknown, there are several factors that lead to Polycystic Ovarian disorder, or at least play a significant role. These are:
Excess Insulin: Resistance to Insulin results in an inability for your body to react to insulin, in turn causing your pancreas to produce more and more insulin in order to supply your cells. An excessive amount of serum insulin, gives rise to androgen production, leading to PCOS
Low-Grade inflammation: When exposed to seemingly harmful foreign bodies, your immune system via white blood cells, produce certain substances to attack and fight off this threat, causing inflammation that could lead to insulin resistance and cholesterol accumulation. Studies show that there is a close relation between low-grade inflammation and women that suffer from PCOS.
Abnormal Fetal development: Research has indicated, that an excessive exposure to androgens (male hormones) during fetal formation could possibly affect gene expression and compel certain genes to act differently than what they have been primed for. This genetic re-expression could result in widespread distribution of abdominal fat, which could increase the risk of insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation.
Heredity: It has long been proven, that there is a genetic predisposition to PCOS. A woman is more likely to suffer from PCOS if she has a family history of it.
According to Ayurveda, PCOS is caused due to a ‘Kapha’ imbalance caused by eating the wrong kinds of foods. Also, a lack of love and self-appreciation in a woman’s Life could cause energetic imbalances that lead to Polycystic developments. Certain dietary changes are recommended to bring the Kapha energy back in balance, to help ease your PCOS Symptoms.
What is the treatment for PCOS/PCOD?
Conventional treatments for PCOS include insulin sensitizers and hormone replacement therapy. These hamper normal functioning of your endocrine and pancreatic glands, so care should be taken to minimize the dosage to as much is absolutely essential. Also, post treatment therapy, such as hormone stabilizers are recommended. Your body could very easily get used to insulin sensitizers, and stop producing insulin on its own once treatment is stopped. This could lead to elevated blood sugar levels and cause Type II diabetes as a Side effect. Other side effects of hormone therapy may include bloating, stomach cramps, pelvic pain, heavy periods, spotting between periods, malnourished skin, etc. In some cases, surgery may be recommended to remove the cysts.
Is there a Natural treatment for PCOS?
The Ayurvedic approach to PCOS/PCOD is to:
Detoxify the uterine system
Rebalance your ‘kapha’ dosha (Body’s potential energy)
Reflush and rejuvenate your hormonal systems
Most of the treatment includes dietary and lifestyle changes Certain foods that aggravate the symptoms are to be avoided, and a combination of hers that help rebalance your hormonal axis as well as help in subsiding the symptoms.
At Vedherb, we also combine these time tested Ayurvedic herbs, with a homeopathic resonance therapy. This homeopathic adjunct, helps the endocrine system rebalance itself and function optimally.
The Vedherb PCOS relief Kit is a complete holistic treatment plan to address the root cause of PCOS and bringing your body’s energy meridians back in sync with each other. This also helps strengthen your immune defense to prevent re-occurrences.
You can contact one of our Doctors to help you assess an appropriate diet plan and also suggest any additional herbs or tinctures that would be better suited to your individual morphology. You can also set up an appointment for a Free Online consultation by emailing us on doctor@vedherb.com