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ACNE is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands (the oil-secreting glands, at the base of the hair follicles on your skin). The pores on your skin’s surface, allows it to breathe and get rid of toxins.

What is Acne?

ACNE is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands (the oil-secreting glands, at the base of the hair follicles on your skin). The pores on your skin’s surface, allows it to breathe and get rid of toxins. Sometimes, due to accumulation of excess toxins, oils or bacteria could clog up your pores.The accumulated material creates bumps and fissures on your skin’s surface, resulting in ‘break outs’. Pimples and blackheads are just your body’s way of letting you know that it needs your help. Panicking and stressing could only make it worse. The best way to deal with them is to treat it naturally, with soothing herbal ointments and re-adjusting your body’s natural detoxification system.

What causes ACNE?

  • Increased sebum secretion
  • Bacterial infection called propionibacterium acne or P acne
  • Fungal infection by pityrosporum
  • Obstruction of the pilosebaceous duct due to hyperkeratinisation or foreign particles such as dust and dirt
  • Inflammation
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • During puberty, the male hormones secreted by the adrenal glands stimulate oil production in the sebaceous glands
  • Stress
  • Ancient ayurvedic texts also consider improper digestion and faulty food habits to be causative in many of the cases.

Acne development takes place in the following sequence of events:

Obstruction of the opening of the sebaceous duct leads to accumulation of oily secretions. These secretions mesh with other cells of the skin and form a nidus to attract bacteria and fungi that are normally present on the skin. These organisms produce certain antigenic substances that evoke an inflammatory reaction and activate defence mechanisms. A war between the leucocytes and the microbes ensues and pus is produced along with redness and swelling due to congestion of blood in the area, and pain due to the production of certain chemical substances like prostaglandins. If the contents of this sebaceous gland manage to open out via the duct, this produces a blackhead, the dark color being due to exposure to air and not because of dirt. If this doesn’t happen, the gland only remains distended producing an elevation that is termed as a white head. Acne is more common in males even though they tend to last longer in females. This is attributed to the androgens or male hormones. In females, the hormonal fluctuations during menarche, menstruation, pregnancy, etc. trigger acne attacks. ACNE sites include the forehead, cheeks, chin, nape of your neck, upper back, shoulders, and upper chest.

Tips to get rid of ACNE

  • Wash your face frequently, especially if you have been sweating or around dust or pollution.
  • Scrubbing the face vigorously could cause inflammation
  • Use a good foundation before applying cosmetics.
  • Avoid sleeping with make-up on. Cleansing your face with a natural face cleaner could help keep synthetic elements away from your pores
  • Overexposing your skin to the sun can also aggravate breakouts. Shading the face by using an umbrella or wearing a hat can offer some protection.
  • Pricking your pimples is not a good idea and can lead to secondary infection.
  • Facial steaming can help to reduce inflammation and infection but must never be done for more than 15 minutes and not more than once in a week, as it tends to dehydrate the skin and can cause early wrinkling of the skin
  • Include whole grain cereals, fresh fruit salads and raw vegetables in your diet. Avoid Fatty foods, chocolate, ice cream, butter, cakes, white bread, sweets, and fried foods on the regular
  • Supplements of vitamin A and Zinc may be used.
  • Regular exercise will help  improve blood circulation, increase the tissue perfusion and oxygenation and will prevent hormonal imbalances whilst sweating during the exercises will open up the pores of the skin and help eliminate toxins.