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Cystitis is an Inflammation of the urinary bladder caused by infection or Injury of the Urinary tract (UTI) causing Pain and irritation.

What is Cystitis?

Cystitis is an infection of the Urinary tract (UTI) causing inflammation and irritation. It occurs more often in women, as they have a shorter urethra and more prone to infection. It rarely occurs in men, but when it does, it could be far more severe and prolonging.

What Causes Cystitis?

Cystitis is most commonly caused by E Coli infection. The bacteria attach themselves to the lining of the bladder (pilii). Certain factors incite the infection. These include: Using a urinary catheter or a tampon may slightly increase chances of UTIs Sexually active women have a slightly higher chance of infection, especially more so if they use a diaphragm as a mode of contraception Frequent and/or vigorous sex could cause physical damage or bruising to the inner linings, increasing chances of being infected. Change in climate reduced water consumption or drop in immunity could make your body more viable to infection.

What are the Symptoms of Cystitis?

The primary symptoms are inflammation and irritation of the urinary tract. Pain in the Abdomen, lower back and the pubic area is not uncommon. The patient generally feels the urge to urinate frequently and passes only small amounts of urine each time. There might be a burning sensation while urinating, and the urine is dark colored with a very strong smell. There also may be blood present in the urine.

Most women experience Cystitis at least once in their life time. Doctors suggest that if you contract cystitis at least 3 times during a one year period, then you should visit a doctor or a gynecologist.

How is Cystitis Treated?

Mild painkillers such as ibuprofen or Tylenol may be prescribed to relieve discomfort. But, Cystitis is treated with antibiotics, mostly amoxicillin, augmentin, doxycycline, and fluoroquinolones.  Antibiotics are potent chemical substances that kill living cells, including bacteria and other virulent organisms. These drugs also sometimes harm healthy living cells and diminish the ‘good bacteria’ that live in your body. Also, anti-biotics could cause drowsiness, weakness and allergic reactions. Other symptoms include nausea, gastric upsets, headache and diarrhea. One should check with a medical practitioner before starting an anti-biotic course. Another disadvantage of using antibiotics is that bacteria sometimes develop drug-resistance, and become more and more virulent. So for every time an infection re-occurs, you would have to increase dosage concentration and duration.

The VedHerbs Approach

VedHerbs holistic therapies aim to heal your body from within. We use a multi-disciplinary approach to bring your body to its natural state of well being and good health. Our treatment approach for Cystitis includes a blend of Ayurvedic herbs and botanical extracts that contain natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatories. This is coupled with Homeopathic nosodes, and an Ayurvedic formulation, that boost your immunity and make your inner environment inhospitable for pathogenic organisms. We recommend that you continue this treatment for 3 months, so as to bring your body in sync with its natural state of being, and prevent re-occurance. You can also consult with one of our Doctors, for free to discuss and assess which treatment combination would be best suited for you. Email: to set up an appointment.

Tips to alleviate symptoms and prevent Cystitis

--Drink plenty of water. This helps routinely flush your system of unwanted substances.

--Cranberry Juice and Barley water are excellent to prevent UTIs.

--Practice good hygiene after sex. If possible, empty your bladder right after. When you have the urge to pee, don’t hold it too long. This delay allows the bacteria to fester.

--Avoid tight pants and overly tight underwear. Cotton underwear is more ideal If you use a diaphragm make sure you maintain it with good hygiene. Wipe from front to back.

--During sexual intercourse, make sure you are well lubricated. Use a lubricant if necessary. This prevents bruising and physical damage
