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Heavy or prolonged periods, characterized by large losses of blood could be referred to as Menorrhagia. A Period that soaks up an entire pad in less than an hour

What is Menorrhagia?

Heavy or prolonged periods, characterized by large losses of blood could be referred to as Menorrhagia. On average, about 40-60 ml of blood loss during one period is considered normal. A Period that soaks up an entire pad in less than an hour, or if it soaks through on to your cottons or linens, can safely be considered as a heavy flow. Sometimes menorrhagia could also be accompanied with other symptoms such as cramps and even severe pelvic pain (dysmennorhea).

Although heavy bleeding does not necessarily indicate a serious condition, it can be draining, and emotionally exhausting. Also, heavy blood losses could lead to iron deficiency, anemia and weakness. So even though you might consider it fairly alright or have gotten yourself used to it, it’s probably a good idea to address it before it further affects your health and well being.

What causes Menorrhagia?

The most common cause for menorrhagia is hormonal imbalances (Progesterone and Oestrogen, mostly). This is why heavy bleeding is a common occurrence in adolescent girls (who have just started menstruating) and women that are close to menopause. Hormonal imbalance could also be indicative of a problem in the ovaries. Other possible causes of menorrhagia include: Fibroids or Tumors in the Ovary , Uterus or cervix

Ectopic pregnancy (Fertilization of Egg outside of the ovaries)

Miscarrriage or other pregnancy related complications

Problems with birth control devices such as IUD (Intra-uterine device)

Conditions of the Kidney or Thyroid. Or other diseases such as PID (Pelvic Imflammatory disease).

What are the Symptoms of Mennorhagia?

The symptoms of Menorrhagia may include one or more of the following: Soaking through one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour for several consecutive hours

If you Need to use double sanitary protection to contain your menstrual flow

Having to occasionally wake up at night to change sanitary protection

Bleeding persists for over a week

If you notice that you are passing more than one blood clots a day in your period

You are compelled to restrict daily activities due to weakness or heavy blood flow

Fatigue, tiredness and shortness of breath which could also be indicative of anemia

How is mennorhagia treated?

If you suspect that you are suffering from mennorhagia, it is best to check with your physician or gynecologist. Your doctor will decide a line of treatment best suited to the extent of your condition. Most likely you would be prescribed NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce bleeding and help cope with the pain. If the bleeding is more intense, then hormone therapy is employed that uses hormonal adjuncts to soothe the endometrium, regulate menstrual rythyms or to correct hormonal imbalances. Lysteda (a drug that promotes blood clotting) may also be prescribed. If none of these treatments seem to suffice, your doctor would put you on one of the many surgical procedures such as hysteroscopy (inserting a long thin wire to pull out possible fibroids), Endometreal resection, or dilating the cervix and scraping the uterine lining. These procedures can be painful, unnatural, possibly expensive and definitely uncomfortable.

Is there a natural way to treat Menorrhagia?

VedHerbs natural approach to treating Menorrhagia is to first assess the root cause of your condition and to bring you back to balance naturally and holistically. Our Natural Menorrhagia kit contains Ayurvedic herbs and botanical extracts that help reduce bleeding by contracting your uterine blood vessels and attempt to rebalance hormonal upsets, if any. Additionally, the kit also contains homeopathic sarcodes that remind your endocrine and reproductive systems of optimal functionality, so that your menstrual cycle is back in rhythm. Our doctors may also prescribe you an iron supplement or other dietary supplementation if they find it necessary. VedHerbs aims to bring your body back in harmony with your natural state of being.

You can contact one of our Doctors and set up an appointment for a free online consultation today.
