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ACNE is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands (the oil-secreting glands, at the base of the hair follicles on your skin). The pores on your skin’s surface, allows it to breathe and get rid of toxins.Read More -
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological condition, causing inattentiveness, hyperactivity and lack of focus. 3-5% children are estimated to be affected by ADHD.Read More -
Allergy is a hypersensitive response of the body to certain substances, called allergens. These allergens can be of plant origin, animal origin or a certain substance.Read More -
Anxiety is a natural human condition that we all experience from time to time. It exists in us as a defence mechanism, to make you more alert for impeding eminent danger, like from being attacked by a predator, or in a mother to protect her young.Read More -
Arthritis is a general term used for a number of painful conditions of the joints and bones.Read More -
Breathlessness is a feeling that evokes mortal anxiety within any individual. Whenever the sufferer gasps for breath, every breath seems to feel like it's the last one.Read More -
Your spinal strength determines the structural framework of your body, and as common as backaches are, especially lower back pain, they can be quite debilitating and self limiting. It’s probably aRead More -
Bronchitis has been on the rise due to the increasing pollution levels and lowered immunity levels. Although the causes of bronchitis could vary, symptoms remain the same - inflammation of theRead More -
What is Bursitis? A ‘Bursa’ is a small, fluid-filled sac, present throughout the body especially around the joints. The function of these bursae is to prevent friction between moving joints. ARead More -
Candidiasis (Colloquially referred to as Fungal infection, Candida, candidiasis, yeast, molds or thrush) is a skin condition caused by opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, particularly of the Candida genus.Read More -
Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative disorder of the cervical spine. In majority of cases, it is caused due to age related changes taking place in the inter vertebral discs.Read More -
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Chronic fatigue can be defined as a persistent or recurring fatigue or tiredness lasting for six or more months consecutively. A person suffering from CFS experiences lack of energy, frivolousRead More -
Cystitis is an Inflammation of the urinary bladder caused by infection or Injury of the Urinary tract (UTI) causing Pain and irritation.Read More -
Depression is a primary affective disorder of mood. It is one of the most common psychological disorders affecting million's of people worldwide.Read More -
The term ‘Dysmenorrhea’ merely means painful periods. About 50-70 percent of women experience ‘menstrual cramps’ during their reproductive years.Read More -
Eczema (dermatitis) literally in Greek means inflammation of the skin. It encompasses variety of skin conditions that cause dryness, itchy skin, inflammation, crusting, redness, etc.Read More -
Emphysema is a chronic lung condition that causes difficulty in breathing. It is considered a prevalent type of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).Read More -
Endometriosis is a painful condition, in which cells of the inner uterine lining (endometrium) grows outside of your uterus.Read More -
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition caused when a man is unable to develop or hold an erection long enough during sexual intercourse.Read More -
Fibromyalgia(FIBRO) is a condition in which your body is in extreme pain (mostly muscoskeletal), fatigue, drowsiness and general malaise.Read More -
Also called as the ‘Clap’, Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Gonorrhea spreads through sexual contact or exchange of bodily fluids.Read More -
Hair & Skin Care
VedHerbs brings together the wisdom of nature and the intelligence intrinsically embedded in every ingredient to deliver organic formulas that profoundly restore and visibly transform. OurRead More -
Hemorrhoids/Piles/Fissures are the swollen/damaged blood vessels present within the smooth muscles of anal and rectal walls.Read More -
The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) belongs to the family of viruses responsible for producing warts and has been implicated as a cause of genital cancers and other abnormal growths. More than 100 typesRead More -
Warts/Skin tags are one of the most commonly occurring skin infections. A typical wart is a raised round or oval growth on the skin with a rough surface.Read More -
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
IBS or Irritable Bowel syndrome is a condition in which the colon (Large intestine) is easily irritated, causing frequent bowel movements.Read More -
Leucorrhea/white discharge is a fairly common problem faced by women of all ages. The main symptom is a transparent/white/yellowish thick vaginalRead More -
Lumbar Disc prolapse
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Lumbar Spondylosis
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Men's Health
VedHerbs brings together the wisdom of nature and the intelligence intrinsically embedded in every ingredient to deliver organic formulas that profoundly restore and visibly transform. Our Experts, combines traditional ayurvedic formulations and harvests them into modern day prescriptions that target the real reasons behind issues with Men's Health.Read More -
Heavy or prolonged periods, characterized by large losses of blood could be referred to as Menorrhagia. A Period that soaks up an entire pad in less than an hourRead More -
Osteoporosis is a progressive disorder of the skeletal system, in which there is a reduced bone density, causing them to be weak, brittle and easily prone to fracture. Bones can become so weak, thatRead More -
What is PCOS/PCOD? What are the Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Disorder? What causes PCOS/PCOD? What is the treatment for PCOS/PCOD? Is there a Natural treatment for PCOS?Read More -
VedHerbs brings together the wisdom of nature and the intelligence intrinsically embedded in every ingredient to deliver organic formulas that profoundly restore and visibly transform. Our Experts, combines traditional ayurvedic formulations and harvests them into modern day prescriptions that target the real reasons behind Respratory or breathing related issues.Read More -
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Skin and Hair (Derma)
VedHerbs brings together the wisdom of nature and the intelligence intrinsically embedded in every ingredient to deliver organic formulas that profoundly restore and visibly transform. Our Experts,Read More -
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal Neuralgia/Occipital Neuralgia/Facial pain is a nerve condition, characterized by sharp, shooting pain on the face.Read More -
Urticaria (Hives)
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Uterine Fibroid
Uterine fibroids also called leiomyomas (lie-o-my-O-muhs) or myomas are noncancerous tumours often seen during childbearing years.Read More -
Vitiligo/Leucoderma/Hypopigmentian is a skin condition in which patches appear, over certain areas of the epidermis due to de-pigmentation of melanin cells.Read More -
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Women's Health
VedHerbs brings together the wisdom of nature and the intelligence intrinsically embedded in every ingredient to deliver organic formulas that profoundly restore and visibly transform. Our Experts, combines traditional ayurvedic formulations and harvests them into modern day prescriptions that target the real reasons behind issues with Women's Health.Read More