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Vitiligo/Leucoderma/Hypopigmentian is a skin condition in which patches appear, over certain areas of the epidermis due to de-pigmentation of melanin cells.

What is Vitiligo?

A skin condition in which patches appear, over certain areas of the epidermis due to de-pigmentation of melanin cells. It is a rare condition (affecting < 2%   of the global population), and does not necessarily have any sensitizing symptoms such as pain, dryness or itchiness. Vitiligo affects people of all races, although its probably more noticeable in darker skinned individuals. It usually occurs at an early age, between 10yrs to 40 yrs. Although it does not lead to any further complications, physiologically, it can cause emotional strain and depression due to the social stigma or embarrassment.

What are the signs and symptoms of Vitiligo?

De-pigmentation causes loss of color over patches of skin. The affected skin membrane could vary from losing color or turning completely white. It could appear anywhere on the body including the head, scalp, genitals, inside of the mouth, eyelids and even hair. De-pigmentation is more likely to appear in parts of the skin that are exposed to sunlight more, folded areas such as armpits, areas around scab tissue, moles, etc. Depending on area and severity, vitiligo is broadly classified into three main types:

Generalized Vitiligo: affects almost all parts of the body, and is more widespread
Localized Vitiligo: Appears on one part of your body, but dominates the entire area, for eg. An arm, or your back, or one side of your chest, etc.
Segmental Vitiligo: This is more sporadic, appears at random parts, progresses rapidly and goes away within a year. Usually affects younger population (children round age ten)

There generally aren’t any itching or painful symptoms, but the physical appearance often affects self esteem and confidence in some individuals.

What Causes Vitiligo?

Melanocytes, are skin cells that produce melanin in a reaction with sunlight. Melanins are pigments that give your skin the characteristic color. When melanocytes stop producing these pigments, the affected areas lose coloration. The exact cause as to why this occurs is unknown, it is speculated to be either genetic, autoimmune (when your own immune cells attack melanocytes) or brought about by external factors such as excessive sunlight, harmful chemicals, etc.

Is there a Treatment for Vitiligo?

In conventional medicine, there Is no cure for Vitiligo. There are methods such as coricosteroidal creams, U.V. light treatment, topical creams, etc. that help manage the symptoms; the most effective method recommended is skin grafting. But these all only mask the symptoms, and do not address the root cause. So although the patches might thin out, or even disappear, the signs and symptoms are likely to re-appear as and when it is triggered again.

Is there a natural remedy for Vitiligo?

Although there is no known cure for Vitiligo in Western medicine, ancient Ayurvedic texts contain specific treatment methods, that use combination of herbs, minerals and a precise exposure to sunlight that have been known to produce significant results. The herbs, Psoralea corylifolia, Semicarpus anacardium and  Ficus hispida in combination have remarkable photo-sensitizing properties. This combination is prescribed to be taken with specific instructions (diet, food interactions, certain lifestyle changes, etc) and exposure to sunlight for specific time periods at specific times of the day and season (based on the sun’s positioning), in an attempt to re-awaken the mechanisms involved for melanin production.

At VedHerb, our Doctors have put together an Anti-Vitiligo Kit, that includes these Ayurvedic herbs, botanical extracts (for external applications), and instructions. In combination, the Kit also contains homeopathic nosodes that provide your body with bio-information for your skin cells (melanocytes) to function optimally and balance out any imbalances that might exist at the cellular level. Additionally, if required, our Doctor might also suggest a natural immunomodulator, if your condition is diagnosed to be immune-mediated.

To learn more about the right treatment option for you, talk to one of our Doctors, by making an appointment for a (free) online consultation. You can either Chat with our Doctor, or email us at to schedule an appointment.  
